Episode 17: What is Dedication?

The Meaning of Dedication: What Are You Actually Committed To?

Dedication is more than just showing up, it’s about effort, consistency, and commitment. But what does dedication really mean? Are you as dedicated as you think you are? In this episode of Message to My Kids, the host talked to his children about the topic of dedication.

Understanding True Dedication

It’s easy to say we’re dedicated to something, but dedication comes in different levels. Are you fully invested in your goals, or just going through the motions? Whether it’s a hobby, a career, relationships, or even daily habits, our level of commitment determines our success and fulfillment. Sometimes, we think we’re dedicated to something or someone, but we’re actually only giving 50% effort. This can push people away or you can lose success at something if not fully dedicated.

What Are You Dedicated To?

From childhood to adulthood, we try to commit to different things like sports, school, work, and personal interests. Some commitments are temporary, while others permanently shape who we are. But as life changes, it’s important to ask: Is my dedication aligned with what truly matters to me?

The Effort Behind Commitment

Dedication isn’t always easy. It requires discipline, sacrifices, effort, and schedule changes. Whether it’s saving money, taking care of responsibilities, or improving a skill, dedication demands effort beyond just participation. It’s ok to not be dedicated to everything. Careful what you choose to be dedicated to, choose what matters, and invest your time and effort into those things and people.

Listen to the Full Episode

In this episode of Message for My Kids, the host encourages his kids and listeners striving for personal growth, to reflect on what they’re truly committed to. Remember, it is ok to choose carefully what you will dedicate yourself to, and who you will dedicate yourself to. Tune in to explore the power of dedication and how it shapes our lives. Listen to the episode in the player above!


Episode 18: Kids Becoming Spoiled


Episode 16: The Importance of Trust